Sunday, March 25, 2007

Daylight saving ends last saturday (correction)

Dear SG,

I am sorry, I got the details mixed up as usual. When daylight saving ends, we are suppose to change the time from 3am to 2am. Not 2am to 3am as posted in my last blog. By the way, I forgot to mention how important it is to keep all the operating manual of high tech gadgets just so that we can change the time in it twice every year. I realized I have forgotten how to change the time in my Casio digital watch. There are so many buttons to press, how can I be expected to remember the combination that will allow me to set the time one hour ahead? Maybe I should get 2 watches instead. One which I can use during daylight saving and one that is set without daylight saving.

Let's say I'm back in Singapore:

"Uncle, I would like to buy a digital watch, can you help me set it to 12pm instead?" Joan asked.

Then Uncle says, "Huh? Gal ah! Now is 11am leh! How come you wanna set it to one hour late huh? You siao ah?"

Then I say, "No lar, Uncle. You see, I go New Zealand there got daylight saving. Every year on the first Sunday of October, everyone has to set their watches forward by one hour. Then can have more time to enjoy the sun. So I buy another watch already set to the daylight saving timing lor. Save trouble no need to remember how to set the time on my watch."

Then the Uncle says, "Wah! You think you set the time late you can live longer is it? You want you go and bluff other watch seller, don't waste my time here!!!"


with love from NZ,

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