I'm constantly amaze by the fact that I get to live in 2 worlds and often gets to enjoy the best of both.
Only last evening, I was stuck to the TV throughout the whole rugby league game rooting for the Warriors. It was exciting watching the game and the feeling is exactly the same as when Singapore played against Malaysia, only here, it's the New Zealand against Australia. Both SG and NZ are smaller when compared to their neighbours and both needs to be reminded to keep their goal in mind and to fight till the end. Time and time again they might have lost, but they are certainly getting closer and closer to their dream. DON'T GIVE UP, NEVER EVER!

This morning, I was downloading songs sample sent to me by my friend in SG via email. They are songs from Royston Tan’s latest film 881 about 2 girls wanting to be the best getai singers in Singapore. I so love the songs and I am definately interested to see the flim because of the songs. Thank you for keeping me in the loop. I'm also glad that part of SG history will be preserved in this film. SG needs more production like these, I hope more people will support them.

with love from NZ,
OMG, my dearest friend, didn't notice ur blog till today. ^_^ nice...
It's never too late.
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