As beautiful New Zealand is, there’s a group of people who are defacing its beauty in the most inconsiderate way. In SG, we called them “vandals”, someone who vandalized public or private properties. In NZ, they are known as ”taggers”. They are mainly teenagers who have absolutely no respect nor consideration for other people’s properties. It’s the same back home, vandals didn’t spare a thought for the damage and distress caused by their actions.
I often wonder how they will feel if someone else damage or deface their most beloved procession. Sigh…
I honestly believe if a person is talented enough to create work of art, they should be given a chance display and to practice. Ask an owner for permission, or use their creativity in the most ingenious way. I know it sounds idealistic but hey, at least no one gets hurt.
Unfortunately those vandals and taggers are not creating any work of art or making an attempt to beautify the walls they are defacing. They are out there doing it for their own selfish satisfaction. It sadden me to see beautiful homes and surroundings marred by inconsiderate graffiti. I only hope that one day, these teenagers take pride in their own country and stopped destroying it.

With love from NZ,
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