I had a queasy stomach today and decided I would be better off working from home. This is the first time I was actually working from home although I had it set up some time ago. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use it but it did seem like a good choice after all. I had to lie down for a while after 930am but I did felt much better after that. Special thanks to my boss for his foresight in predicting this.
Being home means I have the opportunity to see what my dogs do when they are home. And all they did was sleep and sleep. Oh well, I guess with the next door neighbor cat moving soon, they’ve lost their daily entertainment. Here’s some pictures of them.
Before we knew the cat was moving soon. This is what our dogs will do day and night.
Watching and watching... and never far from the patio door.
For some reason, since the SOLD sign came up next door, they've stopped being so obsessive. They still get excited whenever the pretty cat comes over our side but they don't keep watch as often now. They've learnt to live the kiwi lifestyle, simply R&R...
These are taken today. Napping and sleeping...
Sleeping and napping...
Opps! :D Andrew was also napping today. He's working night shift tonight and so he's catching up on his sleep on the sofa.
A real family activity... sleeping...
This post is dedicated to those who needs a smile for the day and those that missed our dogs.
with love from NZ,
wah, super envious of ur lifestyle there... :(
What life? I got no life now that i can't move freely like before... wail... :p
i wan to live like your dog... u need one more pet?
Love you dear! Gave me my smile for the day! Keep relaxing there in NZ.. Cheers!
andrew really sleep with the laptop....
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