Dear SG,
The baby has finally arrived. Instead of the pre-planned date which was later postponed to 24th of july, I had a contraction at 2:58am in the morning of 23 July. We timed the contraction for an hour before calling our OB and she advised us to get ourselves admitted. We arrived at the hospital at 5am but was found to be only 3cm to 4cm dilated. I had epidural at 7am and hormone injected to speed up the process.
Before 1pm, the hospital midwife Jill Perrson could sense that I had fully dilated. I could feel the baby really low in between and so we decided to try pushing. With the epidural, I couldn't really push correctly. We had it removed so that I could feel if I am using the correct muscle. But seriously, with the epidural gone, i was worried once it totally wear off, I will be in a lot of pain. So, I was determine to try very very VERY hard. :p (motivation found)
There was only Andrew and the midwife with me because my OB hasn't arrived yet. But Jill was our OB's most trusted midwife hence we were going to try and see if we could get the baby out before she arrives. My OB got lucky, once she arrived, we only need 2 more pushes and the baby was out. I remember Andrew shouting, "The head is out!" when I was just about to give up and wait for the next contraction.
So I give it all with all the strength i had left and delivered at 1411hr. The rest of the delivery was pretty hazy to me because I was so tired I kept falling asleep even when they put the baby on my chest. No wonder they called a delivery a "LABOR", it's really exhausting. We discharge from the hospital at 5pm and moved to Birthcare, a facility that provides care for mothers and babies just after deliveries.
I've upload pics and 2 videos that Andrew took. Check it out in my next blog.
with love from NZ,
Singapore Producer - Andrew
Singapore Manufacturer - Joan
New Zealand Made Product - Karen