Thursday, July 17, 2008

More family members

Dear SG,

No, the baby's not here yet. She's due but she's staying put n refusing to come out early. It's the 39th week now and I want her out! :p According to the doc, I have all the signs of pushing past 42 weeks if we were to wait for it to happen naturally. But my body's stress, hence we will bring her to this world next week.

Anyway this topic isn't about the kid but my parent who has just arrived from Singapore. We pick them up from the airport today and like a real winter day, it was cloudy. We did have a couple of days of sun but unfortunately, it's becoming cloudy again today. But at least it's much warmer today as compared to the previous week. Coming from a tropical island like Singapore, it's pretty cold for them.

Dad had lost a lot of weight and aged a lot since I last saw him. Not seeing your parent for a while makes you realise how much they can aged. I never did realise the image I had of them in my head are what they looked like when I was in my teens! I guess we'll always remember them when they are at their best.

All in all, today went rather well. They were really happy to see KiKi again and ZoZo was so excited by the new attention he slept like a baby tonight (not bothering me at all). There isn't much for them to do now especially with the wet spell we are having but next week onwards, the baby is going to entertain them and that will be her job. :D

with love from NZ,


moai said...

And Kiki have been knocking on their door the past 2 night.
She is used to sleeping with Joan's parents since young.
so sweet.

Jan said...

Dear joan mummy,

Nice that yr parents are there for you. They must be looking forward to see you too :) Will wait for yr gd news when yr little one is out :)