Picture taken at the Auckland airport watching her grandparent left for Singapore
I found Karen playing outside with the other kids, for the fun of it, I didn’t “announced” my presence, I just sat by the bench in their play area and watch her for a minute. The silly child ran past me twice without realizing I was there! Haa.. Even the staffs found it funny. Yup they say, your kid is pretty absorbed when she’s playing.
By the 3rd time running past me, she looked at me for a moment then ran to me for a hug. Then she held my hand n drag me to the door! She was impatient to go home! This kid certainly knows what she wants.
Today’s report had an additional attachment, a simple report saying that Karen had fell and hit her head in the centre, and they didn’t call me because other than a bump, she seems to be alright. However I should observe her closely and bring her to the doctor if she isn’t well tonight. More details were hand written by the staffs that had witnessed it and they told me how it happened. I wasn’t upset or surprised; As long as she’s fine, a few bumps or bruises are to be expected. In the report, one of the items was “Action taken by the stuffs:”, and one of them wrote, “Lots of cuddle”. That’s so cute.
Karen had a really good 3rd day. She wasn’t totally without tears but there were short and few. They noticed it usually happens when she’s indoor and is bored with all the toys. If she’s outside, she’s ok. She loves the songs and dance, the water play and is good during meal times (that’s no news to us but the staffs seems to be fascinated by that particular behavior, I wonder if all the other kids gave them grief during meal time) She still doesn’t like to speak much and is very independent. But she conform to the routine well as witnessed today when she woke up early from her nap; she found the rest of the kids were still asleep, so she lay back down n wait for them to wake up.
Seeing Karen coming home with that bump on the head, a small bruised on the thumb, in a pair of soaked shoes, wearing sand filled clothing, and carrying a stubborn ink mark on her face that won’t come off. She looks like she had thoroughly experienced all that life can offer, in one single day, and came out just as strong and happy. I’m so proud of my little bubba.
Cross Post from Multiply "Karen's baby step"
I like how you describe the little details of karen's, is like an interesting story, fill up with happiness :D Envy u ;)
Don't envy lar. It's either, try to remember the happier stuffs and find the positive in them, or go nuts because so many thing is out of our control and can go wrong in a child rearing process. ;P
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