Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's raining again

Dear SG,

No I haven't forgotten you but wow, time does flies! I ought to keep up, keep healthy and keep going. Life is still good because we are making it so (as always and it helps to keep looking for the bright side of life). ;)

It's raining here again because winter is upon us. We won't see snow in Auckland but other parts of NZ are snowing. What's different? SG should be experiencing the height of summer soon while we are getting into winter. And when it rains in SG, out comes all the umbrella that has been sitting in the carrying bags, the drawers or in the car waiting to be put to use. In NZ, we've stopped carrying umbrella because it's not a very effective way to stay dry. The rain could be so strong that it blew the umbrella away or bend it out of shape. Or it could be so fine that the wind would carry it under the umbrella and onto your hair/face/body. *roll eyes* A rain coat or a jacket with a hoodie will work better. So, if you ever decided to come over for a holiday, leave the umbrella home and experience the joy of walking in the rain with us.

with love from NZ,