Today is ANZAC day in New Zealand. It’s a public holiday that commemorates all New Zealanders killed in war and also honours returned servicemen and women. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. This same day back in 1915, New Zealand and Australian soldiers landed on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. It was the first time New Zealander felt they have a role as a distinct nation fighting in the name of the British Empire. 2721 New Zealanders were killed, almost one in four of those who served on Gallipoli. That was in the First World War. Their bodies were not bought home. It’s very sad especially for the families.
A picture of the Anzac Commemorative Site build at Gallipoli in conjunction with the New Zealand government and with the approval of the Turkish government.
On this public holiday, businesses or trade not under the exempted categories are not allowed to operate until 1pm. (some examples are the banks, barbers, shopping malls etc. Most will just take the whole day off if they can’t open until 1pm)
Learning about New Zealand’s ANZAC Day prompts me to compare SG’s young history as a nation. We too have a special day dedicated to our war history. In 1942 15th February, British surrendered Singapore to the Japanese. That was the beginning of the Japanese Occupation of Singapore in War World Two. 15th of February not only marks the Fall of Singapore and commemorates those who died, but is also designated as Total Defence Day, a day to remind all Singaporeans of the need to be self-reliant in the defence of our country.
The Unconditional Surrender of Singapore
Lt. Gen. A E Percival sitting opposite Gen. Tomoyki Yamashita
Singaporean works too hard, maybe we should make 15th of February a public holiday too, that way we can slow down little, take time to remember the past and appreciate the present.
With love from NZ,
Spot the differences:
ANZAC day is a public holiday… at least until 1pm for some.
Total Defence Day is not a public holiday.
Businesses are not allowed to operate on ANZAC day unless they belong to the exempted categories. It is an offence to open and trade during any time the law restricts trading, and the owner or occupier of the shop may be prosecuted and be liable for a fine of up to NZ$1,000.
SG businesses remain open any public holidays so long as it makes money senses and they can profit. However, most administrative offices will close so that their staffs can go shopping and contribute positively to the economy.
Some things are the same:
Both New Zealand and Singapore were part of the British Colonies.
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