Living in newer neighborhood estate in Singapore means that I am not used to having mice problem in the house. In fact, I was told that only lower floor flats in very old estate has such a problem.
While NZ don't have house lizard, they do have mice. Especially when the weather turns colder, they will start to appear in the house instead of staying in the garden. Yesterday night when I was on the phone with my mom, I saw a mouse running across the hall. This morning, Joseph saw 2 of them in the same place and decided to set up a mouse trap.

Ship rat. Similar to the one we seen. They are actually pretty adorable but they do smell quite badly. This picture is taken from
They place 3 sticky mouse trap on the floor along the wall just before they go to bed. Andrew and I got thirsty so we went back to the kitchen to get a drink. When we switch on the lights, we saw one mouse stuck to the mouse trap. To cut the long story short, Andrew painstakingly got the mouse freed from the super glue trap. It limped away into the garden but that's definitely better than staving to death or dying in a slow agonizing way. 3 cheers to Andrew for being kind and patience enough to free the mouse while I plaster myself to his side wincing at the pain the poor mouse had to go through.

with love from NZ,
To keep everybody up to date.
There is a missing mouse trap here.
Nobody knows where it went.
Maybe a mouse step on it and drag it away. Must be a really big mouse.
It have been missing for 3 days already.
I wonder how's the mouse.... and the mouse trap.
A big mouse? Or a giant lizard? Haha.
Dear Singaporeans, someone set the trap, then someone untrap the trapped. Got something better to do in NZ or not?
hee... it's the little things like this that makes life interesting here. We really couldn't bear to see the mouse dies in such pitiful way.
BTW, don't tell Ann and Joseph that we freed the first mouse. We just told them we got rid of it, we didn't say we freed it. Shh.....
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