Monday, August 20, 2007

Car trouble...

Dear SG,

When we got back from Singapore, our first major problem was the cars. Both our cars won't start. They've been left out in the cold winter for too long without any loving touch from us. We've only been away for 2 weeks or so... I guess we should have hire a car-sitter to watch after our cars for us. A professional car-sitter to start the cars each day, "walk" them, "feed" them nutritional fuel, "groom" them, and "play" with them. Sigh... how will we know our cars will give us the silent treatment when we are back?

Just a few minutes ago, Andrew was replying an email to reserve a car lot for a meeting with a financial consultant. The email request was for Andrew to give the details of his car so that they can identify it and won't tow it away for packing in the reserved lot for their customers. Andrew type down the make and the model, then suddenly turn around and asked me, "What's the car plate of our Nissan???!!!" In SG, cars are a luxury item. We would have never forget any tiny details related to our expensive and precious car. Yet in NZ, our attitude to our cars did a 180 degree changed because they are so affordable here.

Just in case we don't remember the details again, our cars are
19 something year, Dark Green Honda with a round and long backside - BTT803
2000 something year, Silver Nissan with no backside - DYS627

Just don't ask me about the year and the model, I don't remember... *embarrassed*

with love from NZ,

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