Monday, November 2, 2009

Karen's first day at Day Care

With my parent back home in Singapore, Karen had to go to a full time Day care center. We found one that gave us a really good vibe less than 10 mins drive away. We've been bringing her there every day for the past 2 weeks to get used to the place and people.

Here's the report from the teaching staffs today - her FIRST full day (and all by herself) at the center.

"Karen have a very loud voice....."

lol... ok, if you've guessed it, she screamed and cried the house down an hour after I've left. For the past 2 weeks, one of us would always accompanied her and it's only for an hour or two, not throughout the day. According to a staff, she sound more angry than frighten. That sounds a lot like little Karen whenever she doesn't get her way or she couldn't make us understand what she wants.

"Karen loves her food..."

That's no news to us. Karen has always been easy to feed. She's even good with spicy curry. Staffs say she loves meal time, she will happily sit and finish all the stuffs they put on her plate. She gets breakfast (i'll prepare that), morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea. So she's really good during meal time.

"Karen loves the sand pit...."

Oh, I could tell when I took off her jacket to bathe her. Tons of sand and BISCUITS fell from her jacket sleeves. I think she was saving them for later....

When I arrived at the center to pick her up at 5pm, she was sitting at the kitchen table (cute kiddie size tables and chair) by herself sucking on her pacifier, sulking! Ha.... I wasn't surprise nor upset because I kinda expect her to be exhausted by the new routine. I did let the staffs know that if she proves to be too much, give her the pacifier. It's not the most ideal but it does calm her down especially if she's sleepy. She is used to 2 naps instead of 1 and she isn't used to waking up that early in the morning.

All in all, we think it's been a successful day for everyone. ;D

Picture shows Karen finishing a piece of blackforest birthday cake all by herself.

Cross Post from Multiply "Karen's baby step"

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