Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sleeping through the night

Finally! Oh well, I better not be too optimistic. The good news is that she has finally slept through the night since last friday. Bad news is that she still cries and wails but she does go right back to sleep after a while. Even if we try to feed her when she cries, she would just drink around 10ml of milk and falls asleep. This just shows that she doesn't need the milk, just the comfort of sucking.

We nearly achieve that when she was around 3 months old, she had around 6 hours of sleep without waking up. Then her gum started hurting and she was back to waking up every 3 hourly no matter how much we tries to feed her during the day or get her back on track again.

I certainly hope this lasts. She certainly looks a lot happier waking up in the morning after a good night rest. Meanwhile I still wake up when she cries or stirs a little and as usual will take me a while to fall back to sleep again. So if you see me online at the wee hour of the morning, don't be offended if I say hi and suddenly disappear. I probably had fallen asleep with the laptop on again. ;)

Cross Post from Multiply "Karen's baby step"


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas ;)

Anonymous said...

Baby is tough work!

Merry Christmas to your little family! ^.^

sillyheart said...

Heheheh.... Tough being a mother.