Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Daylight saving ends last saturday

Dear Sunny SG,

Last Saturday at 2am, the whole NZ were told to adjust the clock one hour later to 3am. The official Daylight saving has ended. Summer is over, Autumn is here.

During Daylight saving, NZ's 9pm will feel like SG's 7pm. NZ's 430am will look like SG's 6am. We are constantly bathe in bright sunlight and the Days will refuse to end. Nights comes only for a brief moment, just enough for the body to turn down our power and closes for a rest. It gives the feeling that there are extra hours to do heaps of stuffs like playing, going to the park and social visits. I love it!

Previously, I simply couldn't understand why there is Daylight Saving. SG has a consistent amount of daylight throughout the year. We pretty much have summer all year round, it's either a wet summer or dry summer. Now that Daylight Saving is over, I miss having those extra daylight to live life as I choose. I heard that in winter, nights will be long.... I am not looking forward to it.

with love from NZ,

PS. Please note that NZ is now faster than SG by 4 hours.

Spot the difference:

NZ has dramatic differences in the amount of daylight it has during different period of the year.

SG has a consistent amount of daylight throughout the year. Ok, Ok, sometimes during the year the sun does raise slightly earlier but not by much lar!

NZ has Daylight Saving and the clock is adjusted an hour earlier to enjoy the full benefit of the sun.

SG doesn't. And this SG-porean doesn't even know what is Daylight Saving until now.


HaPpInEsS said...

ya...i still duno wat is daylight saving now even after what you wrote.

moai said...

Excuse me...
We were told to change the time from 2am to 1am.
Not 2am to 3am.

What is daylight saving...
During summer, There are longer hours of day than night.
So everyone wake up 1 hour earlier to go to work. So in the evening, we got more time to enjoy the sun.

Joan said...

ok ok... I am really bad with details. Will send a correction post. So it's 2am to 1am ah?